Why Do You Want to Work for This Company?

By |October 5th, 2015|

As we always say, you can teach someone the job, but you can’t teach them passion and enthusiasm. Thus, it is very important that when you apply for a job with a company, you actually want to work for the company, and you have a good reason why.

Have you ever had someone say really nice […]

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Tell Me about Yourself

By |September 28th, 2015|

What do you say when the employer asks you, “Tell me about yourself.” Do you talk about how you practice Pooktre tree art? Do you divulge your vegetarian dietary habits then talk about the moral issues you have with eating meat? Or, do you tell your whole life story? Believe it or not, we have […]

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Interview Etiquette

By |September 21st, 2015|

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary describes etiquette as “the rules indicating the proper and polite way to behave.” However, etiquette can be subjective; a behaviour that one person perceives as rude may be acceptable to another. So what is the proper way to behave during an interview? Well, luckily there are some very common rules–that are not […]

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Skill Testing Interviews

By |August 31st, 2015|

If you use operating system software, office productivity software, or programming languages in your career, do not be alarmed if an employer asks you to demonstrate your skills in a skill testing interview. The same can be said for people who produce a great deal of written communication in their current or previous position. It […]

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Phone and Skype Interviews

By |August 24th, 2015|

We love talking about phone and Skype interviews! With technology growing at exponential rates, we can expect to see a lot more interviews like these in the future. Who knows, maybe 30 years from now the employer will be able to time-travel you to the interview room so that you can always meet in person; […]